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Product 6 Month Healthy Habits Coaching Package

Six Month Healthy Habits Coaching Package 

  • 20 Transformational Sessions (40-minute sessions)
    In these energy-infused sessions, you'll begin to identify the limiting beliefs and emotions that are holding you in sabotaging habits and patterns of thought. You’ll be able to create empowering mindsets and action steps that support your personal growth, health, and vitality. As a result, you will open up to new possibilities for life and business and move forward in achieving your goals

  • Self Paced E-courses 
    To build your natural health knowledge base and implement new tools and perspectives for solidifying healthy habits

  • Onboarding Gift Package
    Tools to support you so you can get the best results

  • 6 Emotion Code Sessions (40-minute sessions)
    To quickly address pressing Emotional or Physical Health Concerns and release emotional baggage

  • ***BONUS*** 3 Mo. Positive Intelligence Core Mental Fitness Training & PQ Core App ($3500 value)
  • ***BONUS*** 6 Mo. PQ XPansion Mastermind Community & PQ Grow App ($1200 value)
    Gain insights, motivation, and structure to practice 15 minutes per day along with weekly video sessions and daily app-guided practices to boost 3 core Mental Fitness muscles:
    1. Saboteur Interceptor Muscle
    Your Saboteurs generate all negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, avoidance, procrastination, insensitivity or discontent. Mental fitness requires intercepting and discrediting the Saboteurs.
    2. Sage Muscle
    Your Sage is the one in you that handles challenges with a clear and calm mind, and positive emotions. It also has access to your 5 primary super powers which are explored in this program. 
    3. Self-Command Muscle
    You’re not in full command of your mind. If you were, you would choose to entirely silence the Saboteurs, not to stress out over what you can’t control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anger, regret, or blame. 
    Using this muscle, you learn to run your brain, rather than allow your Saboteur-hijacked brain to run you.  

  • "Exquisite Client Support System" 
    To enhance the value of your program:

    • Highly focused and supportive 40-minute Coaching/Healing sessions 
      typically within the first three full weeks of the month to allow for processing and implementation
    • Call Strategy tool 
      that helps you prepare for your call, to get us completely focused so that you can derive the most value from your session
    • Post-Session Recap tool
      for immediate accountability and insight, to let you fully integrate your coaching experience and important take-aways from the session so that you can create new habits more quickly 
    • Access to Coach
      in an online client log between sessions for ‘just in time’ coaching, where you can communicate your challenges, questions, breakthroughs, and successes so you can keep the momentum going
    • Private Client Portal
      to keep all of your notes, forms, and correspondence organized for your convenience so you can retrieve what you need to get better results faster
    • Additional Resources
      exercises, tools, templates, etc., for an additional benefit on your personal health journey
You pay now
8997.00 USD